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Essential physical security measures for server rooms

Update time: 2023-07-31

In a company, the server room can house the most important assets such as data and operating systems. Enforcing security measures provides appropriate protection by packaging important information and programs into digital hosts and devices.

Server rooms have four layers of physical security protections - perimeter security, facility control, computer room control and cabinet control. The following physical security measures can ensure the safety of your server room.

security threats

Normally, encrypted data and personal information are stored in the server room. Access to this data may result in identity theft and system damage. In addition, natural disasters such as floods and fires also pose threats to data centers and server rooms.

Physical security threats are growing faster than some companies can defend themselves. At a time when credit card fraud was rampant, merchants invented chips to combat these scams. Now, some juicejacking hackers are targeting public charging stations and using mobile devices to steal information. Server rooms are more important than personal technology, so businesses and IT professionals should protect them at all costs.

Combining network security with physical security can effectively protect server rooms. When hackers break into a server room, it creates a risk of fraud and identity theft for the business and its employees, which puts sensitive information at risk. We need to leverage a variety of technologies to defend against security threats, whether physical or virtual.

authenticated access

The layout of the security environment within a server room varies. Corrupted or lost data can result in operational delays, lost revenue and information theft. Among the various ways to protect the computer room and its critical data, authenticated access is critical.

Limit access as much as possible – Using a server room allows more people to move in and out of the room. A locked door with a pin code is only accessible to those with approved entry, making it a very safe option. Access cards are another solution for large rooms that need more protection. Server racks and security partners are also well protected.

From a physical security perspective, motion sensors are also a great tool to alert relevant personnel that someone is entering the server room. When the lights in the room come on, security personnel can check that the person has the appropriate permissions. Motion sensors also sound security alerts if any breach occurs in the server room, while movement information is recorded to save the data for further analysis if necessary.

On-site security personnel can help enforce authenticated access to server rooms. They can monitor the frequency of visitors and monitor who enters and exits a room. In addition, UPS can ensure that safety measures will not fail and prevent the wrong personnel from entering due to instantaneous power outages, which can prevent serious damage.

Video Surveillance

Video surveillance is another great way to monitor your server room. Because the computer room stores important business performance information, there should be no unrestricted measures. Video surveillance allows security personnel to closely monitor server rooms around the clock.

Additionally, video surveillance is more comprehensive than motion sensors. While motion sensors can save movement data within a computer room, video surveillance can clearly show moving people and objects. This allows us to more precisely analyze security vulnerabilities and how to prevent them in the future.

As the demand for hardware storage solutions increases, hybrid clouds emerge. Hybrid cloud infrastructure stores video data, allowing any digital device to be monitored remotely. Security officers can conduct in-depth analysis and add video archives. Because hybrid cloud infrastructure can accommodate limited storage space, it is ideal for evolving surveillance systems.

Fire Fighting System

Fire protection systems protect server rooms from accidental and electrical fires. Even if the computer room has taken various protective measures, the server may still overheat and be damaged. Having a plan to minimize damage can help IT teams and businesses protect their server rooms.

With a fire protection system, the server room and all its equipment are strongly protected. The smoke detection system can sound the alarm and prevent the fire in the shortest time, ensuring that the server and its information data are only slightly damaged.

Insurance companies can help with building damage from a fire, but damage to a server will result in the loss of all important information. Server rooms are also at risk from faulty wiring and possible fire hazards from overheating because they contain electrical current levels that can cause overloads or short circuits. Make sure that the computer room chooses the appropriate fire extinguisher according to its own situation.

Backup strategy

Data backup strategy can help regular data storage to avoid complete data corruption in emergency situations. When the server backs up data regularly, the results won't be bad since the files and folders can be restored. Online and remote backup solutions are convenient because they provide critical encrypted storage that users can access remotely in the event of an unexpected situation.

It is necessary to back up device information at least once a day, and if possible, the more backups the better. For businesses that rely on certain data assets, losing sensitive information can be damaging. Before each update, employees back up the server to ensure they can restore the hard drive. Server-class operating systems should also be run by appropriate file servers.

The generator should be located in the server room to avoid loss of information during a power outage. An automatic transfer switch can be installed so that the generator will automatically start when the power goes out. Someone doesn't need to manually turn the switch on, so if there's no lag time, there's less chance of data loss. On-site coolers ensure that the server room remains cool and is not threatened by excessive ambient temperatures.

Use physical security measures

Physical security measures for server rooms are very powerful. Try the solutions above to make your enterprise server room more secure. When companies rely heavily on the data stored in these computer rooms, they must remember physical and digital protection.

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